A 3-month program specifically designed for women like you! A space to give voice to your hidden desires, fears, blocks, inhibitions, insecurities, unconfessable fantasies, and your curiosity about sex. We will create a bond of trust that empowers you to embrace the parts of yourself you’ve long ignored or rejected, making the unconscious conscious. We will engage also in somatic practices to awaken your vital energy, dissolve the barriers that hinder your true expression in intimacy, reconnect with your body and its needs, legitimate your desires, and acknowledge the sexual creature within you! We will work together to free your mind from judgments and preconceptions, blocks, and limiting beliefs by putting the attention on the body, looking at it with fresh eyes, as if you're starting anew, unburdened by past experiences or societal expectations. Remember, YOUR BODY DOESN’T LIE; it constantly communicates with you, and it's a source of pleasure and vitality.

Your authentic sexual being will flourish and you will witness how other areas of your life transform: creativity will flow, your relationships will undergo a transformation, clarity in decision-making will emerge, and numerous surprises await you!

Awaken your aliveness. Say yes to life and pleasure. Step into your full power.

Re-create intimacy with your partner" is a call to action to revitalize the emotional and physical connection within your romantic relationship. Intimacy is a cornerstone of a healthy and fulfilling partnership, and it encompasses a broad spectrum of elements, including emotional bonding, psychological closeness, and physical affection.
All this is not possible if you don’t give importance to the intimate connection and just expect it to happen naturally. Intimacy has to be cultivated as a precious flower in order to keep blossoming.

I will create a space of beauty and sacredness in which I will guide the two of you in practices and rituals to reconnect with each other. It’s only by being present with yourself that you can connect with another being on a physical, emotional, and intimate level. I will teach you tools to re-discover the other, to speak your desire out loud, to engage in a playful way, and to switch the spark from within.
The session can be at yours or online so that, when it’s finished, you can continue the exploration in the comfort of your home.

Finding your purpose is what changes dramatically your experience on this planet. Using transpersonal tools and a holistic perspective of life, I will accompany you in the process of discovering your gifts and your abilities and integrating them into your life. When you are aligned with the purpose your soul came to pursue, life acquires brighter colors.